This may seem trivial, but in fact about 2 months ago some clever guys made changes in brew repository, so doing just: brew install php71-intl will show you […]
How to get UIImage from OpenGL in Swift 3
As you probably notices, simple screen drawing is useless if it comes to OpenGL view. So is it possible to generate UIImage from such? Of course, lets suppose […]
OpenGL2: Very basic Swift3 example
As you guys probably notices, it was a while since last post here. I was quite busy with lot of projects, so did not had time for blogging.
RxSwift: How to stream values with dynamic delay
Imagine such case – you have list of messages, each one with timestamp. And you want to show them in the same way they arrived, with same timings. […]
How to check object’s reference count in Swift 3?
Sooner or later, you will face the problem with object which are not deallocating. How to check if object gets deallocated? Just use deinit method like below: deinit […]
How to use JSContext from JavaScriptCore to create two way communication with web page
What is “JavaScriptCore”? Well, it is a name for internal Safari javascript engine. Is it useful? For most of us it is not, but if you thinking about […]
Fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
This can be really painful when you just started with Swift. It really happens very often and can be confusing. Where it comes from?
interfaceOrientation is deprecated in iOS8
Are you still using self.interfaceOrientation and getting deprecation warning? Well, don’t. Not only because it is depracated, but it can give you wrong result. Device might be in […]
Jenkins & XCode: User interaction is not allowed when executing task
Getting “User interaction is not allowed” error in your build task? If yes, solution is very simple. Just login your build user (usually “jenkins”) via the GUI (which […]