Yes, finally new major version is released. Mostly one thing changed – CoreData is now used and storage with iCloud synchronization support. Now all your devices will be […]
Track My TV 1.2.4 is out
Without fanfares, with only one bugfix: – fixed rare crash while episodes were fetched from our source You can grab it here.
Track My TV 1.2.2 is out
Yes, this is small update but contains one important thing – finally I switched offline database from tvdb to my own, result – size dropped from 40MB to […]
TrackMyTV 1.2.1 is here!
This is bugfix update, most significant change is optimied series update – now all is done in one request instead of one per serie. You can grab it […]
TrackMy Tv 1.2.0
Yesterday, after long period of API testing, new version was submitted gor review, the most important changes: synchronization switched to our own API – currently only for […]
Track My TV 1.1.0 is finally out
Yes, it took some time, 5 AppStore rejections becouse of “No data on Apple Watch” (?!) which works on simulator without any troubles. Anyway you can grab it […]
Track My TV described at
Some good news, guys at just posted reader’s app reviews at and Track My TV was mentioned in top 5.