ylliX - Online Advertising Network First 10.9.5 beta is out - Yet Another Programmer's Blog

First 10.9.5 beta is out

The new OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks seed, build number 13F7, comes one month to the day after Apple released OS X 10.9.4 to the public in June, which brought fixes for Wi-Fi connectivity and wake-from-sleep bugs.

With the new seed, Apple is asking developers to focus on Safari, USB, USB Smart Cards and graphics. Previous updates, like beta versions of the aforementioned OS X 10.9.4, brought similar enhancements, but USB and USB Smart Cards are new areas of concern. Apple did, however, put priority on USB connectivity as it applies to iTunes in OS X 10.9.4.

Alongside the Mavericks seed, Apple also released Safari 7.0.6 for Mavericks, as well as Safari 6.1.6 for OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and OS X 10.7 Lion. The company is asking developers to concentrate on general website compatibility and extensions.

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