If you were using NSCoder in Swift 2, I’m pretty sure you used such code: decoder.decodeObject(forKey: “name”) as! String decoder.decodeObject(forKey: “number”) as! Int Now, in Swift 3, using […]
WatchConnectivity: Payload could not be delivered
So you are trying to send instant message to parent iPhone app and still receiving “Payload could not be delivered”? This happens only if one of those two […]
Swift: How to consume SOAP using Alamofire?
Well, SOAP is kinda old. But if for some reason you need to use it, here is how. 1. Create empty “Single View” project, you can call it […]
Swift 2.2: What is the difference between .map and .flatMap?
When you dive into .map and .flatMap ocean, you may be confused what is the difference. Consider such example: let arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6] print(arr.map{ return String($0 * 2)+”x” }) […]
Testing with Swift 2.x
Testing is good practice, but sometimes you may get into trap. Opposite to Objective-C, in Swift 2.x you don’t need to add each file to your test target, […]
Swift: What “Invalid predicate: nil RHS” means and how to handle?
Sooner or later you will face with “Invalid predicate: nil RHS”. What does it mean? Fortunately solution is very simple, somewhere in your code, you are using NSPredicate […]
Swift: How to move whole screen up when keyboard shows?
I pretty sure all of you know how to do it in Objective C, but in Swift 2.x this is even simpler. First you need to subscribe to […]
Track My TV 1.3.0 is out!
Yes, finally new major version is released. Mostly one thing changed – CoreData is now used and storage with iCloud synchronization support. Now all your devices will be […]