Introduction to ZStack in SwiftUI

ZStack is a container view in SwiftUI that allows you to layer and overlap multiple views on top of each other. It is useful when you want to create complex layouts or have views that need to be positioned relative to each other in the z-axis. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use ZStack in SwiftUI with examples.

Basic Usage of ZStack

To use ZStack, you can simply wrap your views inside it. The views will be stacked on top of each other in the order they are added to the ZStack. Here’s an example:

ZStack {
    Text("Hello, World!")

In this example, the `Text` view will be displayed on top of the `Image` view. You can add as many views as you want to the ZStack, and they will be layered accordingly.

Customizing ZStack

ZStack can be customized with alignment and other modifiers. For example, you can specify the alignment of the views within the ZStack by using the `alignment` parameter. Here’s an example:

ZStack(alignment: .leading) {
    Text("Hello, World!")

In this example, the views inside the ZStack will be aligned to the leading edge.

Overlapping Views with ZStack

One of the main purposes of using ZStack is to overlap views. You can achieve this by adding views to the ZStack in the desired order. The views added later will appear on top of the views added earlier. Here’s an example:

ZStack {
    Text("Hello, World!")

In this example, the `Text` view will appear on top of the `Image` view.

Example: Overlapping Text on an Image

Let’s see a practical example of using ZStack to overlap text on an image:

ZStack {
    Text("Hacking with Swift")

In this example, the `Text` view is overlapped on top of the `Image` view. The text is styled with a large font size, black background, and white foreground color.


ZStack is a powerful container view in SwiftUI that allows you to layer and overlap views on top of each other. It is useful for creating complex layouts and positioning views in the z-axis. In this tutorial, we learned how to use ZStack in SwiftUI with examples.

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